Feedback Thoughts

Why Rejection Hurts So Much

This article stood out to me the most because naturally, I feel like the rejection queen. Just in 2019, I was rejected by all three of the people I was dating. Needless to say my self-esteem is fairly shot. In fact, I've always been rejected in any romantic relationship. It can be mentally and emotionally draining trying to reflect on all the ways I could've been better or different, so hopefully this year I can apply more positive reactions to rejection.

Rewire Your Self-Critical Brain

I can relate to this article since I've also struggled with my weight all my life. Twice in my life I've lost 60 pounds. I hated being overweight so much that I'm always worried about what I eat and getting enough exercise. It definitely effects my mood enough to drain me and demotivate me, causing me to give up. This goes the same for school. I tend to have high expectations for my productivity level. If I wind up with several setbacks, the amount of stress is unreal. I get frustrated with myself for not preventing those setbacks. The process can get exhausting at times, leading to me sleeping unnecessarily long, thus continuing the cycle. I hope to practice a better mindset for things like this so that maybe the cycle ceases.


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