Microfiction: Two Small Horror Stories
A Kiss Like No Other
A newly wed couple went to Fuji for their honeymoon. For one of their planned activities, they planned to go bungee jumping off of Lover's Leap, a well-known geographical cliff. The wife was nervous and not as brave as her husband, so he stepped up to go first. He made it down safely and called up to his wife, "Come down and you shall receive a kiss like no other." The wife shakily peers over and stepped off the cliff. The bungee cord never pulled taut, and with a deafening snap, the wife's body laid crumpled at the foot of the cliff, feet away from her husband. The staff member on duty looked over the edge in horror with the safety clasps for the wife's harness in his hands. She received a kiss like no other, the kiss of death.The Tooth Fairy
There were two sisters 10 years apart in age. One had all of her adult teeth, the other just lost her first baby tooth. The mother explained the phenomenon of the Tooth Fairy to the youngest. Just as the younger sister became excited, the older sister rained on her parade by hissing "don't be stupid, the tooth fairy isn't real." This made her sister cry.While everyone in the house slept, the older sister awoke to the sound of shuffling, then realized she felt damp all over her face. She sat up and froze; their was a tall, dark figure with spindly limbs in the corner of her bedroom. She could not speak. The figure floated over to her and sprinkled a full set of teeth in her lap. They were her teeth. Just as she opened her mouth to scream, the figure whispered:
"Don't be stupid, the tooth fairy is real."

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