Reading Notes: Twenty-Two Goblins Part B

For my second reading this week I tried to sample other stories, but they just weren't catching my attention such as the Twenty-Two Goblins story. I enjoy story within a story plot, especially with this plot twist of a conclusion.
First of all, I'm really bothered not knowing the answer to the last riddle. I need answers! Especially because that was such an almost-maybe-I-don't-know incest bomb.
I notice there's a strong sense of marriage loyalty from these stories. Righteousness was discussed in this part more than judgment of people's quality.
The best part of this unit was the goblin taking akin to the king, even though he didn't know the answer to the riddle (bummer). He helped the king and it was really cute. On the same note, I wish there was an image for this goblin. I currently think of the creatures from Spiderwick Chronicles and I don't think that's accurate.
Also, another theme in this section is people volunteering to burn their own bodies to die. What's up with that? These characters are hardcore. Hardcore in love, loyalty, death, and so forth.
I giggle whenever it's said that one will "go and learn a science".
Seriously, the king and goblin's blooming friendship is my favorite. The king encouraged the goblin to get published, now that's a good friend.
Twenty-Two Goblins
Translated by Arthur W. Ryder
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