Week 8 Reading and Reflection

Hook is on Netflix now, so guess what I'm watching! Ahh, nostalgic comfort.
I've been quite pleased with the reading material and progress I've made thus far. It's definitely a much different style of class than I'm used to taking, so I'm still learning! I would definitely say I want to up my game in personalizing my blog and website to express who I am. Perhaps I can use it to my advantage when doing some of the extra credit assignments.
As for my project stories, I have such big ideas, but it's been so long since I've done any kind of writing that when I read back on some of the stories I wrote, I cringe. It's very piece-y and scattered. I remember in grade school there's a ton of methods to organize and plan before you write. I tend to stray from that completely and just dive in. In that case, my new goal is to plan a little better before I write my first project story in hopes to create some better content.
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