Biography: End of Junior Year

So... today was the last day of classes as a junior in college. And the last day of online classes. I hadn't even remembered until 25 minutes into the Zoom meeting since I had been up for several nights in a row completing other stuff. In a way, I can't wait for the semester to end. But now that the end is near, I have no idea how to distract myself from everything else. I'm likely being a pessimist because my body should have force quit on me quite awhile ago.

And so I must leave these last few famous words.

I can't wait for things to get better.


  1. Hannah,

    It was the last day of class for my junior year as well. Never thought it would end like this. I have also been up late finishing things up, and obviously am tonight again. I am excited for the semester to end so that I can focus on my internship, which is happening remotely. It really is hard to wrap my head around what life is right now. Especially because I have a lot of senior friends I wasn't able to give a proper goodbye to. I don't know when I'll even see them in person again as they scatter across the country back home or to new jobs. It sucks. So, I agree with your famous last words. I can't wait either.


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